SOPHiA GENETICS is proud to announce the launch of SOPHiA DDM™ Dispatch. It represents an expansion of the SOPHiA GENTICS Integrated Solutions business area, which is a well-established model for working with partner labs to democratize data driven medicine by increasing access to next-generation sequencing and accompanying analysis. SOPHiA DDM™ Dispatch makes it even easier for partner labs to come online and operate independently.
With SOPHiA DDM™ Dispatch, our partner labs can handle orders directly with the clients, streamlining operations and improving efficiency. Dispatch enables labs to take advantage of any unused capacity and creates an additional source of samples. For clients looking for sequencing services, SOPHiA DDM™ Dispatch offers increased data visibility, data ownership and simplifies the ordering process.
With SOPHiA DDM™ Dispatch and SOPHiA GENETICS Integrated Access, client institutions can get access to powerful insights without the setup costs. Clients send their samples to partner labs for sequencing, then the sequencing data is delivered to the institutions in their SOPHiA DDM™ account. This gives growing institutions better access to accurate analysis and allows them to retain ownership of their sequencing data. SOPHiA DDM™ Dispatch and SOPHiA GENETICS Integrated Access offer institutions more than just a report, by combining raw data ownership and ongoing access to powerful tertiary analysis.
Partner labs can easily begin offering service through either Integrated Solutions model, offering an opportunity to gain an additional revenue stream. Partner labs control the testing menu they offer and do not have to do data interpretation, since clients are enabled to do interpretation through SOPHiA DDM™. Furthermore, new tests can be seamlessly incorporated into your existing workflow.
Explore how the SOPHiA DDM™ Platform can help your institution today.